A somewhat solid remake, but not as memorable as the N64 game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
Ah Conker's Bad Fur Day. That was one of the very last but one of the very best N64 games released.

What happened after that came out? Well a couple years later Rare ends up getting bought by Micro$oft so they decide to remake the game from the ground up for the Xbox.

Now I'll start off with the graphics. Visually speaking, the game looks incredible for an Xbox game. This actually looks like an early Xbox 360 game. Rare totally pushed the Xbox to its limits for this one. The character's are all animated very well and the facial expression's are well done. The water in the game look great as do all the environments. Basically, this is the best looking Xbox game period.

Anyway, a lot has happened to consoles since 2001 and since online console gaming really started to take off around the time this was made, Microsoft put a huge emphasis on the online multiplayer in this game. Now at first I didn't care, but they went and scrapped pretty much all of the multiplayer modes from the N64 game and instead focused only on team deathmatch...yeah...not a smart move. Now the deathmatch modes are fun and all while they last, but it would have been great to put the racing, raptor battles, bank heists, from the N64 game into this one with Xbox Live play. There are actually different classes for the multiplayer too like sniper, melee, flame thrower, bomb thrower or something, its fun but it just doesn't last too long, least not for me. The multiplayer matchmaking in this game was really unbalanced. The matchmaking system sucked and it was hard to actually find any other people online in this game, even when it first came out. At least they threw in some bots for you to play with to get a hang for it until you felt ready to try to find other players online...It's better to just hook a couple of Xbox's together with system link and play against your friends like that. Trust me its worth it.

That aside, I'll talk about the single player. The single player in this game is still fun like in the original but they made some not so good changes. First off they changed the controls to fit more with the Xbox controller by having the camera switch up a "behind the shoulder" view whenever you pulled out the baseball bat.
When you press the trigger button to swing it, Conker does this little 3-hit combo thing that rarely connects with what your trying to hit. They should have just let you press a button and he whips his frying pan or bat just once. They really didn't change the controls in this too much, but they could have made some improvements instead of making certain things more annoying. The camera in this game is still herky jerky. You will wrestle with it a few times, usually when your trying to scale a platform or just get the right angle when your climbing up a ladder and looking for the right place to jump off. That aside, everything else still works alright. They threw in a couple new things like Conker wearing a Van Helsing costume without him notching it for some reason in the Dracula Chapter. All of the half written movie parodies are still there too.

They definitely toned down the difficulty in this game. The original one was much more challenging and bothersome with some parts, but they pretty much made everything in the single player a lot smoother and easier. For some reason, Microsoft decided to censer all the profanity in this game. I find that really ironic considering there is a label on the game's cover that says "warning this game is for mature audience's only" despite that this game barely warrants a mature rating. I would expect Nintendo to censer out a game instead of Microsoft...

Anyway, aside from the multiplayer issues and the annoying controls, this one isn't too bad. I reconmend tracking it down sometime if your a fan of the original, a Rare junkie, or you just like fun games with some twists thrown in.