Not the original.

User Rating: 7.4 | Conker: Live & Reloaded XBOX
The game isn't exactly a direct port of the original Conker's Bad Fur Day for the N64, though the extra changes seem to be few other than the updated graphics, watered down difficulty, and new taboo against cursing in the game. What I fail to understand is how a system that is generally deemed for children (the N64), was able to get a game such as this with all it's crude (yet generally funny) humor, and cursing, yet a system generally marketed towards adults (the Xbox) received a watered down version of the same game with curse words bleeped every time (and if you've played both version you may notice it bleeped in one area, but the same word freely used in another).
Another problem with this remake is the fact it has been watered down. From the bees you must find in one of the 1st levels being moved to easier to find/get to areas, to some things requiring less hits to take out. Now this may seem fine to younger games (who in all honesty shouldn't be playing this game), but it takes out a lot of the challenge to the game.
The largest add on, and most difficult though would have to be the multilayer. An amazing system with more balanced characters where each specialize in something. Each class has certain advantages disadvantage, and are generally better against a certain class and worse against another. It's good enough to rival halo if you aren't a large fan of that series (though admittedly I personally have not been on live for a good while, and do not know if glitching, and/or cheats have taken over)
All in all it's a good game, worth at the very least a rent by those that missed out on the N64 version, though sadly I believe if you have the N64 version you may want to stick to it unless your a large fan of multilayer.
-Stephy Wolf