Conflict Vietnam is one of the best Vietnam War games ever made.

User Rating: 9 | Conflict: Vietnam XBOX
Story- 9/10: Great retelling of the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the characters are developed nicely.

Gameplay- 9/10: Sometimes the game can be hard, even on easy mode, but the guns in the game are pretty cool, plus the vehicle sequences (such as manning the machine guns on a chopper and a PT boat, or driving a jeep or a tank) are pretty well carried out.

Graphics- 9/10: The graphics in the actual game aren't that great, but the awesome cutscenes make up for that.

Sound- 9/10: The sound in this game is pretty solid, although the voice acting isn't too great.

Value- 9/10: You can either play through the campaign by yourself or with up to 3 friends, but unfortunately, the game lacks the online play that Conflict Desert Storm II had.

Note: I put as the classification: "Check your bargain bin," ONLY because I got my copy in Wal-Mart's $14.99 bargain bin.