best war game I've ever played

User Rating: 10 | Conflict: Vietnam PS2
the story is set in vietnam 1968 on tet offensive you got attacked by the vc and nva and then you escaped whit a huey and got ambushed at the lz and you must fight your way back to a american army camp.

there's been a lot of changes to the first 2 conflict:
1)you arent just doing mission after mission your in a story and your weaponary will continue how it was on the last mission there are a few re-suply points in the game tho so you wont play the whole game whit vc weapons cause most weapons will run out of ammo in the first mission
2)you can only carry 1 side-arm and 2 other guns much like halo or something only carry 1 side-arm and unlimited greandes,med-kits and other explosives and items
3)there is ADS-aiming 4) you can throw a grenade by simply pression L2

the weaponary is all really authentic and you will control 2 diferent tanks and a jeep and there are also 2 missions where your in a boat and one in a huey chopper wich are rail trail shooter levels

but overall this game is awesome it got every greatness of the older conflicts but only better.