Boring game. Not worth the renting or buying. Bad compared to the other ones. Dont play. Second one is way better. Read.

User Rating: 4.9 | Conflict: Vietnam XBOX
I found that this game was a pretty crummy game. Compared to the other ones this one is a pretty bad game. The first one was pretty good. Didnt get to play it that much though. The second one was a really good game. It went from an O.K game to an Awsome game to a Crummy game. Here is the lowdown on this game. Its gameplay was just like any other game so I got to give it that. It was just like the second one. It was a third person view, with some bad angles. Compared to the second one with open space and no trees. The third one was a third person view with trees so sometimes your view would get blocked. I found that to be a bit annoying after a while but the gameplay was still good. It graphics were not that great. I found that the second ones graphics were a bit better. This one wasnt harder to make better but they did a crummy job on the trees I found. I found that they might of not spend that much time on the graphics and on something else that I dont know of. The sounds were alright. They werent the greatest but can you say any army game has good sound, not that I know of. Maybe it sounds like real army games. Only ex-army people or army people now would know but anyways. The value I would say is that I dont know. I didnt buy it but I will compare the game to renting it. For 8 bucks, for one week, I think I should of bought it for that much money. I felt that I wasted my money and I only played it for like 1 hour. I should of never rented it. This is all My opinion though. You might like it or not. It is you choice so try and make the right desicion. ThE GaMe FrEaK.