User Rating: 9.3 | Conflict: Desert Storm II XBOX
It baffled me last year and it baffles me again this year. Why are they giving this game such a low score?? i read the reviews of the last one before i bought the game, but then all my buddies told me it rocked and it does. I had some other friends who were "hardcore" ghost recon players (which gamespot gave like an 8.4) come over and play conflict and they said "screw ghost recon, this game is WAY better". enough of my ranting and raving though. The game is really quite solid i think. The graphics are pretty much the same as the first one, the sound seems pretty much the same, gameplays a little different. I like the first one where you could let you people die and you get new guys at a crappy level. If you lose a guy in this its mission over. I think the really improved on the sniping. Before there wasnt a whole lot of lag between when you pulled the trigger and when the bad guy fell. now if your shooting 100 meters aways and you dont lead a guy thats running, your gonna miss. "The backgrounds are fairly devoid of detail..." its the desert, what do you expect. Bottom line: GREAT single player game! even better 4 player game.