A great concept ...a great story ...great animation and fighting... but, not so great character models

User Rating: 8.8 | Condemned: Criminal Origins X360
here is a game that I watched a couple kids playin last week at ....you guessed it...Gamespot. The game has its scary elements and incredible visuals in terms of the enviornments and physics. the player models are hit or miss. There is this cop you see in the begining of the game that looks bad graphiclly. This game is just like your playin' a movie. The people come at you hard and crazy. The game has the best A.I. ive seen in a while. Dudes will run at you if they have an advanteage and take off if you pull out the heat. Its scary when you hear them come into the area that your in and you can see where they are. One thing that could have been doen better is the ability to have alot more control over what you want to explore in a crime scene. I dont want to be told what to do when im the damn detective!!!!. this is a solid game that everybody should play even if you dont like 1st person games.