Condemned 2 : bloodshot is a step up, and should be played by anyone who is tough enough to handle it. Editors ch

User Rating: 9.5 | Condemned 2 X360
TheGood:improved graphics,and framerate.Still dark and even more shocking then ever.Awesome combat,and improved crimescenes.The AI is really smart.C2 fight club can be fun for awhile.

The Bad:the framerate drops alot.11 hours is shorter then it sounds.Might be to scary for people who cant handle it.

Those dark times, the times,when you used your flash light in the dark,and shocked all of Back. Condemned 2:bloodshot is bigger and better than ever.

Your ethan thomas, 11 months after the first game,hes,homeless and is an acholic.Ethan:drunk tired and pissed off,why,cause this d*** city is to f***** blind to see whats coming and i seen it."

The combat is awesome, they added combos,and the best part,you can use your own fist.

The surounding area is dark and scary, youll hear nothing but silence through the whole game and unlike the first one,never loses its variety.(you get chased by a BEAR! nough said)

Condemned 2 : bloodshot is a step up, and should be played by anyone who is tough enough to handle it.