C&C kickstarted the greatest franchise in strategy gaming and is a terrific game for old-school fans of the genre

User Rating: 8.7 | Command & Conquer (EA Classics) PC
Command and Conquer was the first game I ever played for the PC over 10 years ago and boy was it something. There are two different sides to choose from in the campaign mode. The Global Defense Initiative(GDI), who are the "good" guys and the Brotherhood of Nod(NOD) the "bad" guys. The game is great because both sides are well balanced and play rather different styles. GDI has stronger ground units such as the Mammoth Tank and Medium Tank while NOD has the Stealth Tank which isn't very durable but is nonetheless incredibly useful for reconnaissance purposes. Granted, the differences in playing style are not as significant as many modern strategy games like Warcraft and Starcraft but Westwood did a pretty darn good job of unit design when this game was released in 1995. The full motion videos were cool and fun to watch although I wish there could have been more of them. The single player missions were well designed and interesting although most of them simply involved blowing up the enemy base(or bases) and destroying all their units. While the graphics are considered dated by modern standards, it was impressive for its era. The music tracks featured in C&C are an eclectic mix of techno and rock and are of generally good quality. The one major gripe that I have about this game is that it did not feature a skirmish mode. I did not have internet access when I first played this game and was practically starved of multiplayer action. I still play this game occasionally as I am a big fan of old-school games. I would really recommend this to anyone who likes strategy games.