A good game with some fun multiplayer, but certain elements are lacking.

User Rating: 8.1 | Command & Conquer: Renegade PC
C&C Renegade was a great idea. Combine what people loved about FPS and RTS to make a great game, unfortunately it didn't quite work that way. The game would be perfect, except that a lack of features such as voip and several glitches. The single-player gameplay was run and gun and a level hopper. It takes about 15 hours to beat the single player on the easier levels, but will take a lot longer if you play on commando. The plot is predictable and the story really isn't that great, but it fits the C&C world just fine. The multiplayer is like a C&C battle from the perspective of a soldier. You must protect your harvester and your buildings so that you can gain money and buy new equipments or vehicles. In ideal situations, your team works together to plan attacks and strategize, but this is rarely the case. Most of the time the most advanced strategies are someone typing "apc rush" in the chat and having two others join them. Unfortunately there is no voip so coordination is tough. The multiplayer often turns into people doing their own thing, which is fun, but not as much fun as teamwork. I played the multiplayer for a long time and I enjoyed it. There is a large community of people that play still so finding a game was never a problem.

The graphics aren't special, but they're not a problem. Because the game didn't try to have good graphics, the game doesn't look bad today. There aren't very many curves, which doesn't bother me too much (graphics aren't that important to me). Frame rates are smooth with old hardware so unless your computer was from the 90s you should be able to run it fine.

You can probably find this one in the bargain bin at your local gamestop so I reccomend you go pick it up.