A game for anyone.

User Rating: 7.2 | Command & Conquer: Renegade PC
Typically, I am a console and hand-held gamer and not a PC gamer, but one of my friends recommended this game. I got it off of E-Bay and started to play the missions. It starts out pretty good but then gets boring by doing the same stuff over and over again. However, I managed to slide into the online multiplayer and it was awesome. It was Command and Conquer but you got to do the one thing that you always wanted to do, control the soldier. The online part is probably the only good thing from the game. You get to work with the other members on your team to destroy the other teams base.

The gameplay is very good and very easy to learn.

The graphics are actually pretty crappy despite the fun gameplay.

The sound is ok.

This isn't the best game but it will keep you busy for a couple of months.

Overall, this isn't the best game but is a very good online shooter.