Still fun to play 10 years later. Perhaps my final Red Alert play through, I bid farewell to a classic.

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert (EA Classics) PC
I remember graphically this game exactly the same as the original C&C, the only difference was zoomed out resolution showing more of battleground... however in the C&C First Decade release, the original C&C is identical since its modified to the same zoomed out distance. Just a quick comparison that I wanted to point out... really nothing improved until RA2.

Ok this is 2007, graphically this game is still decent to old people like me. The little touches such as the damages to the terrain are nice and were impressive to see back than especially.

I never realized how tacked on the Russian campaign was until my last play through. 3/4 of the Allied missions had cutscenes, while only the very start mission for the Russians had a cutscene. Its a bit disappointing looking back on it.... since the NOD and GDI campaigns had a much more equal storytelling balance in the original C&C. On the plus side, Red Alert 2 did have a much better balance of story and cutscenes.

The AI in this game is frustratingly bad, and requires constant attention to the units you are controlling. As for the missions, which you have to save often since you can loose them for the smallest mistake without knowing exactly why until its too late. There is nothing more terrible than seeing your harvesters mindlessly go into the enemies base and get wiped out by tesla coils.

Theres nothing much to prove in writing a review to a game this old, its more of a goodbye to a different time. I've played through this game probably 5-6 times, and this will probably be the last time I ever play Red Alert again, and this my last word on it. Hey who knows, maybe I will play through it once more.

One of the things that will never change or be forgotten will be the music, Westwood somehow stumbled upon the great Frank Klepacki, who single handedly made the C&C series have the best music of almost any game ever made.