The best game of C&C series ever made!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert (EA Classics) PC
I'm sure that this game is one of the best game ever made! I had played all C&C series and I can confirm that this is the game I played the most. I played it when I was three years and still playing it now. I can not stop playing it. It has great unit and story. I'm the most impressed with Mammoth tanks and Tesla coils. When I play with soviets nobody can defeat me :). I like this game also because you don't have to have a expensive PC to play it. If you ask me it has great graphics. I played this game almost 2000 hours and i can play it another 2000 :). I recommend this game for all people who likes strategies. Commander on position!

"One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic".
Joseph Stalin