"-Locked & loaded!" "...we have violated the time space continuum..."

User Rating: 7.5 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
memorable speeches,lines.
red alert 3 is an innovative game.it's the first,or one of the first rts games that have the co-op mode.a feature that allows you to play the single-player campaigns with another human player!that's innovative!anyway,you will still play the campagins with the computer co-commander.
a new faction is present,as the world is close to the 3rd world war.dr.zalinsky from the soviets,created the time machine & travelled with general krukov & krusenko(i don't remember tim curry's name from the game) to the year 1918 at the place where dr. albert einstein was holding a speech.dr.zalinsky warned the other 2,not to interfere with anything from the past because that would violate the time space continuum:)& have catastrophic consequences.krukov shaked einstein's hand...when the 3 arrived back from 1918,they had a surprise,a very big one-a new enemy joined the battle,the ultimate threat for both the allies & the soviets,the mighty empire of the rising sun whic is of course japan.natasha informed them about this.at that point,krukov demanded to launch the nuclear arsenal on the empire:)...there was no such thing,the nuclear bomb didn't existed!they have violated the time space continuum:)
the new faction,the empire had great technology.they build they're building from a nanocore which is deployed & transforms itself in the building that was programmed to be built.
there are 26 missions-8 for the soviets & 9 each for the others.
the graphics are cartoonish.seems that the "seriosity"of westwood was replaced by the comic style of ea.anyway,the graphics are great,especially the water that will mesmerize you!
tanya is not missing from the allies.natasha is the commando of the soviets while yuriko omega is the commando of the empire-a school girl that has psichic powers.
the empire campaign has a secret weapon-the shogun executioner,a titanic robot that is almost invincible & you will use it in 2-3 missions.when you blast the omega shockwave of the executioner,everything that you see on the screen is destroyed!
this game has the best cinematics that i've ever seen!a lot of famous actors,including bruce locke from mortal kombat conquest(shang tsung),tim curry from home alone 2 & the hoff,david hasselhoff:)oh,don't forget gemma atkinson that plays the role of eva-she's breathtaking!
the music has some tracks from red alert 2,which have been "upgraded".
the gameplay...i can say that this game can be compared with generals,yes,it looks like generals in a lot of ways.
i like very much the protocols tab-if the threat level is high,you will acces a protocol point that grant's you to choose from a variety of 15 special features to add for your team.
the special weapon of the allies is the proton collider...the soviets-the vacuum imploder & the empire's-the psionic decimator.very devastating weapons in deed but i do miss the weather storm & the nuclear missile:(but at least,the chronosphere & iron curtain are still there:)
at the end of the game,everyone will bow in front of yoshiro(the former emperror) & emperror tatsu(yoshiro's son & the former prince).the empire wins the 3rd world war!
this game heavilly focuses on naval warfares.the motto:"rule the seas,you rule the world".
the worst part of the game is that you get bored fast of it.i mean,after i finished the campaign,i played 3 skirmish battles & that's all!i didn't even bother to try the on-line...& i don't think that i'll bother playing again the campaigns earlier than,i don't know,maybe 1-2 years from now on!
so,it's an innovative rts,with cartoonish graphics & that you get bored fast of it-that's ra3 in a few words.