strongest,fastest,airforce ... which will win?

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
first think first:
first time that i saw this game i was a kid and from that time i start to love strategy games.
like all the times russia discover an ecpesial system and want to have all the world with it and others have to stand agains russia but this time japane have a powerful weapons too and things are getting ugly.
in the cutscence you will see some real movies{not animation} and characters acting so funny and maks you dont look at the story so real and also some hot girls ... just to have more teen fans for the game.
storyline have nothing interesting at all.
before this game all of strategy games were out of sea but in this game you can have greatest weapone on the sea and so many differend tipe of units which can move in both grownd and sea.
its a RTS game so it must be so smooth and hopfuly its great in this case and i played it on PC and 360 and both versions were great and i see no differend between the console version and pc because i could handle both of them so fast.
one of the team is usa which have normal power on grownd units and great small units on the sea like:dolphins but the real power of america is in the air.
when you play with this team, soon you will understand that theyre so powerful in airforces.
russia is not smooth or fast but theyre so powerful and each unite have very powerful attacks, from a normal soldier to the beiggest air unit of them but they move so slow and handle of unites are so hard!
this team have the best technology and theyre so fast but with less damage on attacking.
japanese unites have ability to transfer to air unit or grownd unite.
as you see all of the teams have some great and bad abilitys and you will find a best for yourself after playing with all of them{i play better with japane}.
in this case pc version is better than console version but both versions are good enough and colors are so life and game engine works so good and i see so many gammers who played this game on old systems and this is good for pc gammers.
graphices looks good and objects moves great and unites looks nice, modelings are grea too.
graphices is ten for sure.
every unites have differend tipe of musice, for exaple: usa musice are more rock and metal, russia is looking more scary and deep and japane musices are a little folk.
unites voices are not bad but if you click for creating a unite for over 10, then you will get headech because they all will say a same word when they come out of main base.
voices are not bad at all.
last word:
like RTS? ... this is one of the best