Another fun Addition

User Rating: 8 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
Now the 3rd in the Red Alert series and a fun addition.

To start with the usual's the controls are the basic style with Red Alert games which means easy to pick up or get stuck right into the game.

The single player game play is great and fun. The story line setup is good along with the great actors and the in game video's. It makes it fun to play and watch.

The music in the game works perfectly well the combination's work great. When its calm its good chill tunes and when it gets into action bang you get into it big time.

The multi player is just the same which is nice. Good usual fun.

Now the Graphics are a bit cartoon style which is kinda annoying. Preferred the Red Alert 2 style graphics. They where the best for the series.

Now this is another good game in the C&C Red Alert Series worth buying.