The game for me isn't just disastrous, it is horrible, if it was the first game in the series, it wouldn't inspire me!

User Rating: 1 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
The game is so horrible, It is hard to start pointing all the annoying aspects of it.

First of all the general menu inside the game is undeveloped and very shallow compared to Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath main menu!

The mini-map is so annoying, because it is without map textures, just a lame map with landscape frames, more as tactical overview (something like in SC: Forged Alliance version of mini-map)

The zoom level? Whats the point of the zoom level if u can't zoom in for a closer view of your units and what is the point of big maps, if u need to scroll down the map for quite a while for getting to the location where u want the camera? Oh, sure, use the mini-map, well I think that isn't the best option, because players should have the option to zoom out the map a bit higher!!!

The units? What the hell? As one reviewer said:" I really wonder what the devs have been smoking when they came up with some of them"! Come on, don't you have some dignity of creating the units? They are like toys, like silly and colorful toys! As if they were creating this game for children, that are under 10 years old, or even worse!

Not to mention the design of the buildings, which are pretty much the same as units - too childish.

Now about harvesting, WHAT IS THE POINT OF HARVEST STATIONS, WHEN HARVESTING MINE IS LESS THAN 5 METERS FROM IT? Then you could just make something like Tiberium Spike of some sort without any harvesters, it is so stupid from my point of view.

In overall I would like to add, that I am very, very disappointed with this game, and if this game was the first in its series, I would hate the devs and wouldn't lay my eyes on other game releases from them. But as it isn't the first one, I can't forgive the fact, that they just wanted our money and didn't care about the thoughts of the series fans, but cared only that much as getting the money from our wallets with a really DISASTROUS game. CnC Fans, don't bother, it is just waste of money and time unless you are a BIG fan of colorful graphics, lame gameplay and funny units!