If you played Red Alert 2... you'll enjoy it MUCH more after this one.

User Rating: 6.5 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
What can I say. I anxiously awaited this game for a few weeks. Ever since I saw RA3 was announced in PC Gamer I was ecstatic, however I must drop a bomb and say EA really F^ this one. First off minor technical issues ruined the experience for many people including myself such as 1 missing serial number, not being able to log in to co-op/multi-player (they didn't even provide a LAN method).

The units are not as great as I thought they would be. I remembered playing RA2; you have memorable units that intimidated your opponent, such as THE REAL APOCALYPSE TANK, and PRISM TANK. The Apocalypse tank in RA3 is weak. The two returning units that made me quite happy are The blimps (I forgot the name haha) and Natasha aka Boris.

I would go on and on but I have a paper to write and I would like to ask WHERE THE HELL ARE MY DESOLATORS? F the desolator bomb or w/e it's called.