After playing this game, you will really resent the developers for ruining the great RTS franchise.

User Rating: 8 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
The movement is horribly dodgy as units find it hard to get to the right place quickly and often get stuck in crowds where you have to pull them out wasting all of your well rehearsed clicks per minute on moving unit after unit out of each others way.
Further more there's the fact that the computer oponent is way to easy and then way to hard, there is no middle ground. This gives a very steep learning curve and only the most dedicated can force the issue and become better than the harder levels of the computer.

Red Alert one was originally intended to be prequel to Command & Conquer. But with the release of Red Alert 2, the Red Alert franchise became the game of its own universe. Red Alert one had a dark tone, but with the Red Alert 2 they started with funny tone, funny dialogs, more strange units. Red Alert 3 continues the same tone as Red Alert 2. But I don't understand for what type of gamer generations was it indented for ? It has funny tones and dialogs like in Red Alert 2, so you would guess it was indented for younger generations. But all the women have they shirts wide open, you can clearly see their breast (Which I don't mind) and they all flirt with the player, and want to get in the bed with him. So what kind of message does this game sent ?

The game is not too demandful like many new games, you can play it on your old computer with no problem. This is a big plus.

Few weeks ago i bought Red Alert 2.Installed it and run it max settings with my reasonably new machine.Enjoyed hell of it.Even not being able to do many stuff new generation RTS' offer was fun in a way.

Few weeks later after doodling around with other stuff i decided to get another RTS.

Was thinking between a city building RTS (Anno) a WW2 (CoH).

Yes i know i made the horrible mistake of putting my €25 on this.
I am speechless.
Where to start?
There is no strategy but zerging.
There is no style.
I went back to Red Alert 2 for few hours and enjoyed it more.
And i see i am not the only one feeling that way.

if this game wants to make any positive impression there is only one thing it needs.

Nope no fixing or adjusting or another expansion to it,
But a serious Money back Campaign.