RA 3 Is not the best C&C title to date, but it is still fun, and is perfect for casual rts gamers.

User Rating: 8.5 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
Okay, about this game. Not as good as RA 2 by any means, however, the graphics were great, the units are fun to play, and being a fan of cheesy movies, I actually enjoy the cutscenes and the concepts. Empire of the Sun units are pretty much taken out of every bad anime ever made, it's great. Yes, they are portraying certain stereotypes, but then again, don't most games? Remember how bad Generals was? Anyways, this game is not bad. The difficulty can vary wildly from mission to mission, (playing Empire now, and I've dominated the last 5 missions, and now I am stuck on one that is hair pulling frustrating, and I don't have any hair), but the units seem fairly balanced for the most part. Naval Units play a much bigger part in the game than in previous titles, and I feel that there aren't enough decent defenses against air and navy, especially as one reviewer pointed out, early in the game if you're playing Empire. But all in all, not a bad game. The important thing to remember is that this game does not take itself seriously, so neither should the person playing. Is it comparable to previous C&C titles, or the hideously micromanaged borefests that most people consider to be good? Not really. Is it a great way to spend an evening with some friends? Absolutely. So sit back, pop the game in, grab a snack and just have fun with it. Remember, if you have no expectations, then you can't be disappointed.