I'd rather go to the dentist.

User Rating: 2 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
Loved the cut scenes. Hated the game. Lousy cheap graphics. Look, sometimes I'm starting to wonder if grabbing people at random off the streets would display more creativity and skill at game development than what we are seeing from some of these high paid developers. What were they thinking?? What kind of tester do they employ? Are they listening to their testers or are the testers being paid to just test and shut up? How could any sane person test this game and think it was cool? I had originally planned on buying this new, but after reading some of the reviews I waited and waited. Then I bought it used on ebay. One of the best decisions I ever made. The game stinks. The graphics stink. Another nice idea. Lousy product.
Ok, I have to write more for my review to make it on line. Fine,, the graphics. Just plain awful. Awful as sin. This is 2009, almost 2010. A game produced in 08 or 09 ought to look like it came from this century. I think they put more time into the cut scenes than they did with the game. Unfortunately, people don't buy games for the cut scenes.