Red alert is a classic is combines tactical skills and quick thinking. this game truly rocks. It's not a must play

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 PC
This game is not for the faint of hearts it takes a TRUE gamer to really command and conquer. The story line is a bit tricky but once u understands it the game becomes highly addictive. Trust me you well stay awake at night thinking over tactic and ways to take the other guy down. If you're not a fast thinker and have trouble making quick decisions then this may not be the right game for you but I still encourage everyone to play this game it will help sharpen your mind and increase the speed at which you make decisions. Don't mind the violence it is not all that visible and therefore not all that bad. But don't let this full you it is still not for the faint of hearts. I think this game should be given more recognition as a hard core online or net work game. Red Alert is right up there with halo, madden, star craft and other online games. This game truly ROCKS!!!!!!