I love this game!

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Generals PC
Command and Conquer has been a series that has changed a lot of its years. But if there is one C&C i remember most its Generals. There are 3 factions all with unique story and units. The multilayer is brilliant with friends, however i only got to try out Player VS AI skirmish (still filled in the hours though!)

Gameplay: Its your stranded RTS affair, build a base, build and army and kill the enemy. however! There are 3 factions. The USA, who are the steal all resources on the map make expensive troops that do lots of damage. China, the make lots of troop as they fight better when in large numbers and will inflict mass amounts of damage with some of its late game units like the Overlord Tank and NUKES! yes NUKES!!!! The third faction is the GLA, these are essentially a well fitted terrorist group. They have a lot of crude but funny lines with troops that make your cringe. The acid tractor is a memorable unit that sprays a green acid over the enemy causing them to run around madly burning to death.

Graphics: In C&C Generals the presentation is nice. Its not special by today's looking games but it works. And thats more that can be said for some games.

Verdict: C&C Generals is a impressive and highly addictive game. There are very little faults that i can point out and that makes me happy. If only EA could help bring out RTS as good as this one.
Score: 9.0/10