Solid in the C&C genre, gotta play each faction and learn the moves and counter-moves. Just so worth it as usual.

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Generals PC
This is my kinda game as I love strategy and imagining myself as a (hopefully more than) competent commander, and one day General/Admiral/Emperor type gamer. I probably need a better video card but the chipset is state of the art (for 2006). Next, is 'Zero Hour' and then probably 'Deluxe' but my studies have me feeling a bit like the time spent should be for my GPA - wow, I really must need the future money. I actually believe in the B.S. (in I.T.), but seriously this is my genre from way back to the original tiberium gathering massive tank rush of whenever...probably in the 90's right?! This is the only review where you have a word minimum and keep sending us back to bring more enlightenment to our belief in our game the gamespot staff, you folks need to lobby for the more concise review or just some lighter and less stringent protocol of requirement.

Thanx and keep moving us forward to the VR stage.