Craving for more Generals? Zero Hour is here to satisfy!

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour PC

Still the same as the previous game in the series, needs a bit detail, but nothing less.


More Units- Extra infantry,vehicles and aircraft are added to all factions, which give more tactical advantages. Each faction has new "generals" added apart from the "original" faction, a total of 12 factions to play as. These generals have their own strengths and weaknesses, greatly diversifying gameplay

Challenge mode-Choose a general of your choice and beat other generals. Really adds replay value as there are 12 generals to choose from.

Soundtracks-more of them are added to create a great atmosphere to play.

Disadvantages- some missions do not offer a balanced tech tree for all sides, and sometimes puts you at a significant disadvantage. Example, the enemy might have a SCUD storm, but you do not have the option to build a superweapon of your own, nor do you have an airfield to take it out. Your units will have to trek to the other side of the map to destroy it, meaning that you'll have to get through heavy resistance and suffer at least one launch from their superweapon.


Same old War on Terrorism with a bit more depth, but the gameplay will more than compensate for this


Don't miss this game, if you do, you'll surely regret it.