Zero Hour caters to every need of a RTS gamer.

User Rating: 10 | Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour PC
I was raised on the Command and Conquer series, my earliest gaming memories are of the first C&C and Red Alert. I don't know how many hours of my young life were put into these games. I waited eagerly for every expansion and sequel. I remember the day I first played Generals and couldn't believe what they had done to my favorite game. No story lines, strange and different 3D visuals.. I was distraught. I didn't even try it. Then a few months later when Zero Hour was released a friend bought it over and I ended up playing it online. Within a few weeks it was all I was playing. Now after a few years its one of my favorite games period, I've spent more time playing this game online or via LAN then any other game I've played.

Why I like Zero Hour so much and Generals for that matter is because it is so balanced. In no other RTS game have I felt like every team were completely different but at the same time equal. The nine sub factions offer countless different strategies. China are geared toward mass production and bulk, GLA are all covert and cunning tactics and USA rely on advanced technology. Every sub faction takes these characteristics to the extreme. Just when you think you've completely got a strategy figured out, someone will attack you in a different way and you ll have to adapt. There are literally hours of replay value here, I know I've played through them.

The graphics aren't bad for a game released in 2005 and they don't interfere with the gameplay. It seems everything is geared to keep gameplay smooth and flowing. Not mind blowing visuals but enough to satisfy you when you blow the enemy base apart.
The voice acting is great, every unit has its own couple of speeches and they don't seem annoy me even now. Not to mention the sound is excellent, explosions and shells are convincing and the soundtracks decent but not quite as good as Red Alerts.

Unlike a lot of new RTS games this isn't too fast paced. It is fast but not like the likes of Red Alert 3 or C&C3. You can actually build a base and hold it. I can't stand the newer games that are over in a few minutes, everything is weak and dies before you know it. Zero Hour games can go on for hours, but I don't think its ever too long.

This is one of the most unappreciated games of the last few years and more then deserves a sequel. Zero Hour caters to every need of a RTS gamer.