continues the c&c general gameplay but adds to the singlepayer with extra game play and content

User Rating: 8.5 | Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour PC
this addon gives you 15 singleplayer missions all with new units and a challenge scenario where you choose a general that suits your style of play to play against others, of cours you have the usual skirmish and multiplay modes.

-you have naval units but you can not control them
carrier and a battleship where you can do aerial bombardment and artillery bombardment respectively
-you have more units and new specialized generals
-better multiplayer
-3 new singleplayer campaigns(15 new missions)
-there are a few enhancments over the orginal, aircraft will defend them selves or pick a target of oppertunity

-you have no naval units
-you must play original multiplayer maps to rank up
-difficulty level easy and normal to easy and hard to hard, no good balance between them 3
-you have not the possibility to skip the cut scenes

a good expansion, becasue u have more than new units like always