This expansion delivered in every way. It almost made the original Generals better, which is hard for an expansion to do

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour PC
C and C generals came out and we were all hooked. This game gave sort of modern warfare to the genre and it tottaly delivered. But now that Zero hour is out lets just say were not going to be playing zero hours of it. This game is great and delivers in everyway.

The gameplay is just like the original, you can be the Chinese, the U.S. and if the course the GLA or just terrorists. But now all of the armies have had new additions and diffenent changes in the equally of their power. The chinese are less powerfull and the GLA were made a little bit more powerful. The controls are all the same and everything is pretty much the same.

The story is longer than just Generals for each Army. Each will take you about -6-7 hours to complete. The story itself is good and offers good battles.

The graphics are decent and by C and C standards very good.

All in all, all C and C fans should buy this expansion, and newcomers will be ingufled in addicting gameplay. You not going to be spending zero hours on this game.