User Rating: 9.7 | Command & Conquer: Generals PC
This game is SUPERB! I bought this the week it came out in february 2003. I didn't have any doubts that it was a good game. Of course i was correct. This game owns, this game should have gotten a 9.0 + pm gamespot because everything about it is very VERY good. The graphics are very kick ass, especially if you have a geforce4 + because you can max it out and it looks perfectly real! The sound is very very cool, you move your guy and you hear the engine running very slowly (as if your looking down on them and its from a distance). The gameplay is mainly the thing that kicks ass. you have so much stuff to build and with all the additions and online play and cometitions its flawless. The value of this game is superb also, this game is by far the best RTS game ever! i am going to get the expansion when it comes out soon. For the tilt, i give it a 10/10 its just the best RTS game out there you can get today! so, my review is up 9.7/10