Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness.

User Rating: 7.5 | Combat Arms PC
This is the first and only multi-player shooter I have ever played. That said, this is a really decent game for the price. (free!)

now for this type of free game, this game has things you would not expect. Few bugs, nice graphics, (half life 2 range maybe?) like six varying maps, lots of players (as of 7/08).

Now for the part of the reveiw where I explein the games greatest strength and weakness. Now how the game works is that you must spend your points on different weapons and armor. You basicaly get points for finishing a game win or lose and for leveling up in rank. You choose how long you want the peice of equipment (from a day to a week) so you pay more for more time, but you get a discount for paying for longer time periods. the problem is that Combat Arms is a very fast paced game, you can jump in and out of games as fast as you want and that is fun. But it is not worth it to spend tons of points on a good vest, helmet, gun and grenade if you are only playing for 15 mins. If you choose NOT to spend and play with basic gun and no equipment, you will get pwnd in just a couple of shots.

It is still an addicting game and lots of fun. In the games-for-free category, this game deserves a 9.0 but compared to the "big" games, its not really worth it but fun none the less with a 6.5 score.

That averages to 7.75