this game is a fun fps but...

User Rating: 9.5 | Combat Arms PC
this game could use some better graphics and i would like to see some new courses because the courses are kinda getting boring but one man army and elimination are still my favorite game modes. It would be awsome for them to make Junk Flea a bigger course becuase it is so small so u will die on junk flea and then spawn and get killed 5 seconds later unless your good

i put dificulty just right but it is hard to get used to the game at first the you kind of just get used to it

if you dont like first person shooters (fps) this isn't the game for u but first person shooters are the best so if you haven't tryed them you should try them because the are really fun

i rated it 9.5 but that might not be wat you think of it so write a reveiw and tell me what you think of Combat Arms

my name on combat arms is illeachupwn

thx for reading my reveiw see you on combat arms

P.S. u go to then click download the game to download to download the game.

P.S. again you should have allready downloaded this game lol!