Good because its free and offers fun weapon customizations. Bad because it lack the substance of modern shooters.

User Rating: 6 | Combat Arms PC
I had real mixed reactions with this game. I love the fact that its free and had many options, maps, game types available. The maps are generally well balanced and unfold into fun fire fights. There are many weapons to pick from and each has its own unique feel and attributes. The shooting is shallow but consistent. A head shot is a head shot and always kills while body shot will slowly drain health. The bad part is that the game really doesn't have any shooting substance. It really reminds me of the bargain bin shooters from 2001. It's lackluster presentation along with its complete lack of physics and team communication doom it from the start. This is Counter-Strike with worse graphics and less fun. Overall i think it succeeds in what it sent out to do; offer a new free shooter experience that doesn't come off as a complete failure and for all those who are looking for that will be pleased with the game.