Because the two seconds you see the girl in the hot pink dress are worth it.

User Rating: 8.3 | Ningen Heiki: Dead Fox NES
"Goodbye Mr. Smith."
Those are the fateful last words from the Commander that sends you on the fast paced, drug stopping, heart pounding missions of Code Name: Viper. You are the inglorious Agent Smith assigned to stop a drug cartel in South America. You are flown in by chopper and dropped on jungles, ruins, villas and palacios'. During the course of your mission you shoot different colored baddies and pop in and out of doors much like in Rolling Thunder. The big difference between the two, and what makes this one worth buying, is in the style and execution of this game. It's more refined and less frustrating. Some doors contain weapon upgrade like ammo or a machine gun while others contain hostages like the cute girl in the pink dress or a health increase. At the end of every level is not the usual boss fight but a door that is blown open revealing more of a clue to finding out who is in charge of the drug cartel. As more and more of the letter is unraveled you sense the game coming to a climax and the increase in difficulty is appropriate and not a serious detriment to the enjoyment of the game. Do expect the final boss to hand you your head a few times before you beat him however.
All in all Code Name: Viper is a well executed game building off the appeal of games like Rolling Thunder and making something far more enjoyable. This game offers a great plot twist in the end and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun NES adventure game.