Good Game to Play With Friends!

User Rating: 7.5 | Club Penguin: Game Day! WII
Club Penguin Game Day is the first take on the popular kids MMOG Disney's Club Penguin to make it to the Wii and it shows. That doesn't mean that it's bad, but they could have polished up the graphics, tightened some controls, and made a longer story, but it still does a good job of portraying the island of Club Penguin and having some pretty unique mini-games. The plot is that Club Penguin is having a sports themed party and you are a penguin playing for one of four teams each with a team Zone, your job is to conquer the island for your team by playing four different sports and doing thing ranging from "Get This Many Points" to "Collect This Many Coins". When you do achieve that goal they will challenge you to a Zone unique game that uses the game's "Out of Play Engine", these challenges range from mind-nummingly easy to brain-dead hard, but once you win the challenge the Zone is yours! There are 6 Zones to conquer and 4 teams to play as (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow), for a total of 24 Zones in all but is shorter than you would think. While the story mode is fun to play alone or with friends, but the real fun is in the tournament mode where it picks four random games for you and up to four players to play in a free-for-all or team match. The game is good due to it's simple game-play and bright colors, plus you can (somewhat) customize your penguin with a limited clothing line and face and color changing capabilities plus you can upload your coins to a Club Penguin account. In conclusion the game is good for fans and non-fans alike and, though the short story, small game count, and graphics that look like a gamecube port, it is a fun and enjoyable game that is easily worth a good rent.