Good gameplay and graphics does a good job immersing you into a crappy storyline.

User Rating: 8.3 | Close Combat: First to Fight XBOX
Story (5/10): First to Fight has a rather weak stroyline that should have been much better. It is a few years into the future, and you play as a Marine being sent into the Middle East for the third time in 50 years. This time, you fight under the banner of NATO in order to stop a rebellion in Lebanon. After peace talks failed, you are sent into the torn city of Beirut.

Yeah, thats pretty much all they say. There are some cutscenes that take shape as a TV news update, but aside from that and your mission objectives, it remains untouched and weak. There is no personal relationship to the objective at hand, no side stories such as your relationship with your squadmates, and no big plot twists. Because the storyline is so boring, you'll probably end up skipping the cutscenes and not actually finding out what the story is about. You're just some Marine in the Middle East.

Graphics (9/10): FTF's graphics are above average. Cutscenes are almost as clear as the real game; often, games will have cutscenes that are blurrier than the actual game. Characters are very well detailed. You can clearly see the crevices and folds in people's uniforms, and light affects the look as well. Weapons are outstandingly detailed; you can even see the rear sight on your teammate's M-16! Your teammates look as if they're holding actual weapons. You can almost imagine the weight of the weapon on their arms and shoulder if you observe their movement and stance. Weapon affects are outstanding as well, weapons do not just leave pock marks but they actually make three-dimesnional holes in the terrain! Firing a weapon makes a dynamic flash, lighting up the whole area, as well as a smoke affect from the barrel of the gun as well as a puff of smoke if you hit terrain. Shooting an enemy makes a puff of blood as well as making then jolt back.

Sound and Music (8/10): The music in the game doesn't show up often, and when it does, it's rather average and doesn't add much to the game. Character voices are average as well, and you'll hear your enemy make the same screams in jibberish again and again. But, the weapons' sounds are outstanding. It's so good that you may feel the urge to fire at nothingness just to hear it again. They really sound awesome.

Game Play/Control (9/10): The controls in FTF are realistic and they are easy to handle. Presiing foreward will make you walk, and double-pushing foreward makes you sprint. All the team controls are on the Directional Pad, so they are easy to get to. Looking down the sights is clicking the right thumbstick, and that is easy to get to as well since that is where your thumb will be. The controls in FTF are easy to get the hang of.

The great graphics, weapon sounds, and controls really immerse you into the atomosphere of a squad of marines surrounded by enemy rebels. Unfortunately, the enemy can be really tricky bastards or, on the other hand, idiotic vegtables. But when you're taking cover behind a crashed car trying to shoot ehough bullets to get your enemy to surrender, this is hard to notice. Everything you do to harm the enemy also harms their morale, and after a firefight, you may find that an enemy will have dropped his weapon and kneeled down, or you can choose the "comply" option, which asks the enemy to surrended. Every part of the game blends well and immerses you into the conflict in Lebanon.

Multi-Player (8/10): FTF has good Xbox Live multiplayer support. There are two types of games- Cooperative and Fire Team Arena. Cooperative is Single Player with people as your temmate's, which is much much much better than having three computers follow you around. Fire Team Arena is basically Team Deathmatch, and it is comparable to multiplayer in games like Rainbow Six. Cooperative supports up to 4 players and FTA supports 8. At first this may seem like a small amount of players, but remember that the game is focoused around 4-man Marine squads. However, I think that it would have been much better to have larger games, like 64 people. That would have been great. Unfortunately, you are stuck with 4 man teams. Because of small game sizes, there is very little lag if any. There are still a lot of people playing FTF online. You can create your own Platoon(clan) and play against other Platoons, and both your and your Platoon's performances on both types of games are put onto a ladder. FTF has good multiplayer, although it would have been better to have larger game sizes.