The cover makes this game look lame, but when you play the game it is totally different.

User Rating: 8.7 | Close Combat: First to Fight XBOX
First, I though this game would be a total rip off by the looks of it. But I was dead wrong. This was a perfect military game and was a very fun game. It was the perfect game for the XBOX. Great graphics, sound, andgameplay was pretty decent but could have been better. The weapons were very useful and were exactly what they would use. It left out some important details that many military games need. For instance, the game was kinda long for a military game. And it could get very difficult at times. They should have gave the game more helpful hints. It was a decent game but lacked gameplay and helpful hint features if yu didn't understand. I would rent this game but remember this isnt hat you would call "PERFECT". Rent first then see if it is worth buying.