Not as good as I thought.

User Rating: 6.4 | Close Combat: First to Fight XBOX
This war game sets you in present day over seas taking care of those darn terrorists. You play as the leader of a 4 man squad (including you) which consists of a gunner; armed with a saw, a rifleman and a assiastent gunner. The game promises your team will for the most of the time take care os themselves, they do. Sometimes. They are not dumb but just stay back and waste rounds of ammo and nit hit anything. You can go out into the line of fire and take all of them out in a matter of seconds. Concerning the enemy ai they will shoot and shoot with prayers hoping to hit you. At point blank range they miss and all you can do is give them a lead enima. This is not the worst of the series but definetly not the best. Of course there is online co-op, if you can find any one to play with that is. I say that you should stick with Mr. Clancy.