"Worth it"

User Rating: 8 | Clock Tower 3 PS2
Many find this game boring but if you give it a chance and if you are a horror freak and you let easy scares scare you just for the fun of it. Game play in this game does get a bit corny once you realise you have some super natural powers but it gets fun and it's full of suspense as you charge the magical arrow to cage and destroy the enemies which on that note has the sickest enemies i've ever seen and they happen to scare the sh*t out of you. Graphics arent up to date with other games out there but it did come out earlier then those did. The sound, Oh my god the sound is amazing this is why you will be freaked out, with the likes of haunting piano keys and the adrenaline rush you get when being chased by one of the enemies which by the way do keep on running after you wherever it's not safe they'll find you. I think this game deserves allot more credit then it got but that is my opinion, Try it out for you're self.