Finally, a real video game!

User Rating: 10 | Claw PC
Captain Claw came to our PCs way back in 1997, but I'm writing this review in 2008.
This game has grown on me ever since the first time I played it (back around in 2001) when I didn't have a PC at my place.

I've completed this game thrice and bought even the retail copy of this game just to show my gratitude to Monolith for producing a masterpiece like Claw.

Captain Claw narrates his story through the in-game videos, a story much simple and revolving on the plot of cat-dog fights. Even though the story is quite straight-forward, it has been well-moulded and twisted to suit a game (masterpiece) like Claw. Trust me, you'll find yourself hanging at the edge of your seat everytime you finish one level and are ready to watch the cutscene.

The graphics are great and eye-popping and revolutionary for a game released in the time of the late 90's. The level-design in the game is surely the work of a genius as it ups the challenging part of the game, (like you're on a lever passing through the room full with thorns, and there u go-jumping off the lever-onto the platform-kicking sum dog ass-back swinging through a large chain and back to the lever- All of this in perfect time.)
Also the levels have been rendered beautifully as u see the sun setting on the dockyards, 2D (yet beautiful) textures of teak you are standing upon.
And the best point is this is no modern-day Crysis to slaughter your graphic card, so there's no harm in picking up a copy today.

The background score in the game puts u in the boots of the puss(Captain Claw). Ambient sounds like crows cawing in towns, horns blowing on the dockyards, and even the gossips of the mermaid make the world of claw come alive.
Also witty lines murmured by Ct. Claw in the game are sure to make u chuckle.

Overall, as I've said before, this game is a classic, a game a true gamer must've played years back. And if u still haven't, it's not too late to get ur copy of Claw today and putting that old computer in the attic to some good use.