Game of the movie remake...or does it have a story of its own?!

User Rating: 1.5 | Clash of the Titans: The Videogame PS3
Game of the movie with the same name... the movie is a remake of and 80s film for those who doesnt already know that. Ive waited ALOT of years for a sequal (and thanks to the remake, we know have a sequal aswell). I have to say in somewhat i do like both films. but they could have been sooo much more. and you can not compare the remake to the orignal as they are sooo diffrent. As he looks for the golden fleece as in the remake he goes head to head with Kraken and mind you that I know Kraken is in the orignal aswell. But I hope you get my point anyway...

Well that brings me to the game..., before seeing the movie. i heard about the game and i just love greek mythology. it is awesome and i am a HUGE fan of Kratos and the God of War series as you can imagine. Love those games. So when i put in this game in PS3. I was disapointed in both control and "fighting system". With greek mythology and a movie behind it. this game is NOT what it could have been. Sure it is better then the even more disapoitning "Rise of the Argonauts" (ps3).

Not sure if the game and movie share the same story or if the game has like "forgotten sands" and "Amazing spider man" ; their own story aside from the movie(s). I never got to find out as i was so disapointed.

What i was hoping for was a game to what God Of War is. But this game is not even close to Dantes Inferno. The gameplay is so horrible that they have NOT even borrowed controls/gameplay from DMC series,.

This game should and could have been alot more, if the studio(s) had just give it a real effort instead of pumping out this "Licensed crap".

*review to be longer - later on *