Feels like an RPG, looks like an RPG.. I think it is an RPG.

User Rating: 9 | Cladun: This is an RPG PSP
From the second I began playing I haven't put the game down. The battle system is easy... kind of reminds me of a Zelda game, and the magic circles equip menu isn't too bad to get use to. Customization on your characters facial expression is fun and intriguing... maybe its just me. You kind of get to mold the game. Choosing the boss that will fit characters you create and of course choosing which class of character they will be. Of course, like every RPG, you level up your characters, and yes it does take some time. Choosing the right magic circle will help cut that time by half. If you have loved any of the Disgaea series I think you will like this one. I think the battle is simple and you don't have to move around like a chess board. There is plenty to find and unlock in the game. I finally got to wipe the dust off from my PSP. I think its a game worth giving a shot. Its only $20 on Playstation Network and the time spent on the game makes up for the cost. Better than $59.99, right?