I had higher expectation for this game.....However, i agree with most of the reviews. It's dissapointing.

User Rating: 6.2 | CivCity: Rome PC
First, there are so many bugs that it can't be forgiven even it's a new release.
The gameplay is simple. Just like many city-building games out there, it does not introduce any new and interesting concept. Also, I agree with what others said about the game's lack of population, and it's variety.
The graphic is ok, but not that good compare to the new coming C4 and Heart of roman empire(according to video) In some way, even glory of the roman empire has better visual than this.
NOw, it seems any game involve Firefly studio turns out to be somewhat....dissapointing. I liked strong hold 1(from firefly) but SH2 and this just made Firefly unwelcome.

Suggetion-Wait for C4 to come out and we can compare them.