CivCtiy Rome is underappreciated by die hard Caesar funs

User Rating: 9 | CivCity: Rome PC
CivCity Rome is underappreciated by the die hard Caesar fans. I' am not surprised people still like and enjoy 2D games like Caesar three if I had very little packet money then
that is what would be playing.CivCtiy Rome is getting a bad rap by the Caesar fans that never even played the game. So keep them gamespot messages coming. I have video games allot more then I know a closet full I played bad games and I played good games I don' t need anyone to tell me about video games or about demos most game makers release the game and then they fix what needs fixing the game via a patch or patch's

I have and play CivCity Rome for countless hours and I find the game to be misunderstood by those that interested elsewhere.

The key to CivCtiy Rome is building your Roman empire and providing your
citizens with a gob somewhere to live and the things your people need to be happy.

I find that visually CivCity Rome is graphical impressive the game works extremely well with the atmosphere of the city art that depicts Roman architecture in her glory Roman empire the game allows you to peek in your
citizens house to see what your citizen is doing watch them do their chores
you can see your citizen doing their chin-ups the single mission is a good place to start it gives a number of options you can start with, The easy setting gives you more packet money to start building your Roman empire know what your citizen needs are without any demands form the senate find your citizen a gob build your citizen a place to live click on your citizens house to find out what your citizens needs are your objective is to provide your citizen needs without going out of their way to get what they need to allow their dwelling to advance to the next level as your citizen collects and fulfills their needs for the household your citizen will upgrade their dwelling where a humble shack need water to advance to a hut your citizen needs to gatherup more commodities entertainment
bathhouse access to religion health and education your citizen will upgrade their homes to a palace and this is more income in taxes and roads will allow your citizens to to get around much faster then no roads.

As Governor it 's your gob to provide for your citizens happiness and health provide your people with shops so that they can get the items they need to grow in to a thriving society without going out of their way to get it that in itself is challenging. click on one of your citizen to find out their work time and their time off work you can allow your citizen time of work to get the items your worker needs to upgrade their dwelling adjust your citizens work time by clicking no the happy face at the top corner here you can increase or decrease your citizen wage rate increase or decrease your citizens rations level and increase or decrease your workers work time increasing your citizens work time will fill the warehouse and granary but this will make your citizen unhappy. City happiness is the most important factor. When your city happiness is positive (happy face in green) people will come to your city but when it's negative (happy face in red) citizens will start leaving your city. So if your people start leaving click on the happy face to go to the happiness and immigration menu to see what is affecting your peoples happiness. Just keeping unemployment down is challenging. I really enjoyed CivCity Rome I find it challenging and rewarding graphics in this game is good game play is good you have allot of options the sound is great I like the music I enjoyed the single mission and in the campaign of the game the campaign part of the game can get hard where I can't get all the items the senate is asking for the mission part of the game range from civil to military but I' am not interested in the the military part of the game.