Another of the same type of game, but it is still pretty good.

User Rating: 7.3 | CivCity: Rome PC
Here is two of my favourite game companies getting together and making a single game. When I first heard about this, the news made me excited, then somewhat weary, then excited again. Firaxis and Firefly together at last!

Thoughts danced in my mind of what could be... maybe the best RTS/builder game of all-time?

It was a nice thought, but that is not what we ended up with. We did end up with a good honest game that is worth a play though, despite huge expectations. Basically they took two different games and mashed them together. You have your Stronghold elements, and you have some Civilization elements. Ok, maybe more than two games, but I am being lazy and giving you a dense description because just saying if you like Firaxis and/or Firefly, this is a decent game should be enough.

In closing, I would like to thank the little people who make gaming so much fun. I have no idea who you are, and that is why you are little.