Just an outstanding experience

User Rating: 10 | Citizen Sleeper PC

What a gorgeous game! It sucked me in and didn't let me leave until I had seen everything it could show me (I still have 3 unachieved achievements on Gamepass, but I think those are linked to different choices that I got locked out of).

This is an excellent text-based story-heavy RPG game. I saw a number of endings, each more satisfying than the previous one. All of them left me wet-eyed with the quality of the writing.

Mostly excellent writing, especially the endings

Outstanding music. Seriously, do NOT do yourself the disservice of playing this game without its music

I loved the way the story builds -- from you starting out not knowing anything to slowly giving you more and more lore

Choices do matter, I think? A couple of quests did finish early because of my choices

Unique art style and graphics

Decent progression system that never feels overwhelming

Memorable characters