Simply the best "Pop Cap" game on Steam!

User Rating: 8.6 | Chuzzle Deluxe PC
I have to say I downloaded every demo for these short puzzle/tetris clones and I found this one to be right up my alley.. It was the only one that addicted me. Sure the others had better "graphics" and sounds.. but you can't hold a candle to the others like you can this one. The game is pretty simple and offers a great deal of replay value since you want to get every "badge" or "trophy" there is in the game.. this requires you do do certain things in order to achieve the trophy... Gameplay: Simply fantastic.. very simple and easy to master
Graphics: I have to say the chuzzles and "fat chuzzles got a few laughs from me.. so I have to say the game has great graphics :)

Sound: Just as it should be cutesy and uplifting.. definite choice if your feeling at all depressed, it will sure to send a smile to ya!

Value: Great replay value.. and since its a mindless game as it is like Tetris.. it is addictive fun!

I recommend this game to anyone who loves Tetris type games.. you won't be disappointed :)