My Atari blew up when I put this game in.

User Rating: 10 | Chuck Norris Superkicks 2600
All we all know, the Atari 2600 was an 8-bit system. However, Chuck Norris Superkicks was a 256GB game. So of course, my Atari blew up. Its just that awesome. How did it deserve a 10? I could feel the awesomness of the game when it blew up. But seriously, not even the highest of gaming computers can run this game. For you see, 256GB is much, much bigger than 256MB. That and well...cartidges can't go in computers. The game can also be used as a weapon. You can summon Chuck Norris with it. Nuff said. There's also a rumor that it was in fact this game that started World War II.
'But this game was released after that!' you say? 'Where are you going in this review?' you say.
The answer is quite simple.
I. Don't. Know.