If you do not play this game, Chuck will destory you and everyone you love!

User Rating: 9.5 | Chuck Norris Superkicks 2600
I have to agree with everyone on this page. Chuck Norris can beat up your dad, take your lunch money, bend you over and make you call him daddy. Then when you call him daddy, he'll kick your butt becasue you are a pansy wuss boy.

Anyway to the game.....

You are to guide Chuck to the monestary so he can resue an important leader. however as a lowly white belt, chuck can't save him. So it is chuck's job to kick a whole lot of butt and obtain a black belt, so he can defeat the enemies inside the monestary. Howver you have a time limit and losing fights, or going down the wrong path will take away time

This game is pretty fun. The graphics are good for the Atari, and the gameplay makes for an interesting game. There is reply value, mainly so you can see if you can beat your best times.

Go pick this game up. Chuck demands it!