In my opinion Chrono Cross is one of the best games ever made!

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
What can you say about such an amazing game that hasnt been said a thousand times?
I played lots of Squaresoft games, and all of them were great, but Chrono Cross... oh man!
This was one of the first PS one games that i've ever played, after NES i was stunned by this masterpiece.

Since before the playstation, i've only played NES and really old PC games, i was drooling on the amazing visuals and on the FMV-s. Okay, maybe my eyes are bad or i dont pay attention too well but i was tricked by the graphics sometimes but bottomline for PS standarts : 10/10

Story : Absolutely EPIC! Tonns of side quests, which helps you to get know your characters better, and there can be bosses at the end of the side quest which are sometimes harder then the main quest bosses. The main story line is great! You play as Serge who get sucked into an alternate dimension where he already died. The main villian a demi-human (half human , half lynx) ... well lynx is after you and the Frozen Flame which he needs for his evil deeds... : 10/10

Sound : Oh BOY! I think this game has the best soundtrack of all games! Im not kidding... This is what you call MUSIC ---> in a fantasy game. 10/11 :P

Gameplay : Slightly different from other RPG -s at the time that there is no ATB or something like that . You have 7 Stamina points which of them you can attack (weak, mid, strong) or cast spells from elements , which you can only do if you have already attacked. For example you have a lvl 6 element (which you can set when you are not in combat) You attack with a weak attack you unlock all your lvl 1 elements (7/6 stamina left) then you attack with a mid atk you unlock your lvl 3 elements (7/4 stamina left) you attack with a strong atk and you unlocked your lvl 6 element (7/1 stamina left) and you can cast it with your 1 stamina which will result that your stamina will be 7/-6 which will regenerate while you teamates do their atks / spells!
I think this combat system is SOLID!
There are less minigames in the game than an Final Fantasy game but it wont get boring because the great combat system and great variates of boss fights!
Boss Fights: Overall : some of them are boring but most of them are unique and has their own strategies!
Overall Gameplay : 9/10

Replayability: HUGE! You cant possibly do 100% completion on the first run, because of your choices you get different characters different items, different endings. And there is the New game+ option: u play from the beginning with all your items and statuses!

Graphics: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Sound: 10/11
Gameplay: 9/10
Replayability: 10/10

If this review didnt convince you to play this game, than i did something wrong BUT still play the game you wont regret it, or if you will, then its your problem man...! And if you are an old school RPG fan and didnt like it then... you should probably visit a doctor :) (kidding, dont take this last line srsly)