This is the best Japanese RPG I have ever played. If you haven't played it yet, do.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
First of all, I love RPGs. I've played Final Fantasy 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10, Grandia 1 & 2, Legend of Dragoon, and many others. The most relevant being Chrono Trigger. I love Chrono Trigger. My other favorite Japanese RPG.

In the beginning, Chrono Cross feels very different and not even connected to Trigger. A false feeling. Eventually, you WILL realize that it is in fact very connected to the story of Chrono Trigger.

Trigger fans, a couple of things that may sound bad at first are 1: Completely different battle system & 2: NO time travel! Instead, you travel between 2 different dimensions of reality. It's weird but awesome!

I was disappointed by the battle system being different at first, but later, I found myself actually finding this battle system being better than Trigger's or any other of the above mentioned RPGs!

Don't let the insane 40-something count of playable characters fool you. These characters have great depth and wonderful unique feels to them like Trigger. Also, The same musical artist from Trigger did this one too!

The graphics were fantastic for PS1. The story is awesome and draws you in constantly! Also the New Game + feature is back! You can after beating the game, play again with the stats and everything that you had the first time! Also, through the New Game +, you can get more endings just like in Trigger!

Honestly, This is the best Japanese RPG I have ever played. If you haven't played it yet, do.